Protect Against Animal Damage
Does your backyard see a lot of wildlife? Animals like deer, rabbits, voles, mice, and other rodents actually chew on the tree bark of young trees during the winter. This animal damage may not be noticeable until spring, or until the tree has begun to decline, depending on where the damage occurs. (Rabbits chew on bark above ground near the base of the tree while voles chew on bark just below the surface.)
Protect young trees on your property by:
• Wrapping the lower base of the tree (at least the bottom 3 feet)
• Create a barrier surrounding, but not touching, the tree by installing chicken wire or mesh
• Mulch around the tree but leave a few inches between the trunk and your mulch (voles will burrow into mulch)
• Spray animal repellent such as Plantskydd Animal Repellent
Learn more about protecting your trees or discover signs you have a tree in need of trimming, pruning, or removal at https://woodchucktreeservices.com/tree-talk/.